(11) 5058-9388


The tracking system of the performance of the Customs Actors (Radar) is indicated for companies wishing to engage in foreign trade. The first action to be adopted is enabling the company to SISCOMEX in RADAR System with the IRS.

For companies that do not wish to import, we suggest using our services .

On August 31 2012 was published the normative instruction RFB No. 1,288 (D.O.U. of 9/3/12), which establishes procedures for enabling importers and exporters in the Siscomex (RADAR System), revoking the previous statement (IN/SRF 650/2006). Since 3 October 2012, all companies need to register on the RADAR of the Irs System should follow the IN/RFB 1,288/12.

The procedures for enabling are: EXPRESSES, unlimited, limited and restricted.

1. License Express: applies to companies with shares/stock exchanges, enterprises with a blue line, public company or mixed, public administration bodies, local authority and public agency Foundation, international organization and other institutions, in addition to company that intends to act exclusively in export operations.

2. Unlimited License: replaces the former annual and will be worth for companies whose financial capacity estimate is more than $150,000 on each consecutive period of six months.

3. Limited License: replaces the old simplified and worth for companies whose financial capacity estimate is equal to or less than $150,000 on each consecutive period of six months. The RFB will attest to the company's economic capacity during the request for Habilitation (held via system and not in person). Among the documents required are the proof of IRPJ, CSLL gatherings, PIS and COFINS (minus the ones collected linked to foreign trade operations, the ordinary or special installment payments and the taxes required in craft releases). If the Inspector is not complying with the analysis, it may also request the presentation of the following documents:

-Proof of Payment of Social Security Contributions on employees employees;
-Proof of existence of capital available in current assets, the company, enough to carry out foreign trade operations;
-Proof of tax makes provision that the company may have.

4. Restricted License: for individual or legal entity that has previously operated in foreign trade, exclusively for carrying out consultation or rectification.

IMPORTANT: for new companies, that do not have a history of these gatherings, it is important she have paid-in Capital in accordance with your operational need, for the purpose of obtaining the RADAR. You must prove the existence of that capital available in current assets, enough to carry out foreign trade operations, which can be proven with the opening balance sheet of the company and the evidence of the launch of this Capital Paid-up value, attached to the process.

You must also make the Tax Domicile electronic (DTE), via e-CAC (Virtual Customer Center contributor), so that the RFB to communicate with the company via the internet. To adopt the DTE, the taxpayer must have digital certification and choose the option on the Portal e-CAC-> Services-> post box-> Term of Choice for Tax Domicile.

Deadlines: enabling your application granted may be Expressed in up to 10 days. Already enabling unlimited and limited, by up to 30 days.

Documents required for enabling the Siscomex (RADAR):

  • Social Contract (certified copy);
  • R.g. and CPF members (certified copy);
  • Proof of residence of the shareholders (certified copy);
  • Simplified and specific certificate of the Board of trade (certified copies)
  • Issuance of the access control to the form from the IRS Systems
  • Documents showing the occupancy of the property array (certified copies of energy bills and phone of the last three months preceding the application of RADAR; Planning and operation (certified copy); and lease (certified copy), if the property is rented;

NOTE: the choice of the most appropriate enabling mode for each company is free and your own responsibility. To opt for the simplified mode for small operations, the taxpayer is desonerado to present a series of documents, in addition to having your application analyzed in a maximum of ten days. On the other hand, submits that mode restrictions.

Legal Basis:

  • Regulatory instruction RFB number of 1,288 03.09.2012
  • Declaratory Act Executive (ADE) posterior nasal apertures paragraph 33 of 28.09.2012

Social networks


  • + 55 (11) 3227-8500
  • + 55 (11) 96340-8527
  • atendimento@brangex.com.br

Where We Are


  • Rua do Seminário, 199 - 1º andar - Conj. 11
  • Bairro Republica, São Paulo - SP
  • CEP:01034-040
  • USA

  • Quest Cargo Inc
  • 2400 NW 93rd Avenue
    Doral, FL 33172

  • Kabushiki Gaisha Mixmi
  • 〒460-0011
    Aichi-ken Nagoya-ku Aichi-ken
    Osu 3-39-36 Japan

  •  温州泽万进出口有限公司
    Wenzhou TheOne Import and Export Co.,Ltd.
  •  浙江省温州市鹿城区蒲帆路170号江岸锦苑2幢106室
    Room 106,Building 2 Jiangan Jinyuan, No.170
    Pufan Road,Lucheng District,
    Wenzhou City,Zhejiang,China